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Take Our Online Hearing test
While roughly one fourth of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 have hearing loss, hearing problems are becoming more common among younger adults due in part to the increased use of headphones and earbuds.
Hearing loss can happen gradually, so you may not realize it’s happening. The average adult will wait seven years to address their hearing problems, even if the signs are all there. Thinking about the following questions can help you understand if and when it’s time to see a hearing specialist.

Do you feel like it is taking you more effort than usual to follow everyday conversations?

Do you ask people to repeat themselves more than usual?

Are you having trouble following conversations among larger groups of people—such as in a meeting—or in noisier places like at parties, restaurants, and bars?

Do you have the volume turned up so high on the TV or radio that other people comment on how loud it is?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, it may be time to get your hearing checked. Schedule your FREE hearing test today with our award-winning hearing aid specialist, Chris Trimble, at Eye Centers of Florida’s Hearing Center
Request an Appointment (239) 939-3456